My Blog

Just a lil place to put my 2 cents about my life. Comments are most welcomed. Won't be updated much when I'm going through a busy time.

Monday, January 03, 2005

What a bad start for the year!

Arghhhhhh today was really stressful and depressing... In my haste to Uni, I missed lunch... PBL went pretty okay.... and then had lunch with Evelyn, Jin-Yu and Baxter. Classes weren't good at all..... felt so tired I was asleep for most of the first two lectures... I really hate when that happens! Grrr.... well I forced myself to stay awake through the third one, about IHD and MI... mind was wandering from time to time.... absolutely no concentration at all. Things are just so damn depressing when I'm feeling so tired I can't get anything done.... anything but sleep.

And then there's this clinical visit to Nilai tomorrow... have to wake up at 6 or so. Wonder if there are any interesting cases to clerk tomorrow... or else I might end up copying Sunny's patient histories =P

Who do you look for? Intriguing question...... I look for what's remaining of myself, tomorrow will be a better day I'm sure of it.


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