My Blog

Just a lil place to put my 2 cents about my life. Comments are most welcomed. Won't be updated much when I'm going through a busy time.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Holidays, again! ^_^

Its been 2 days of not posting... been exhausted with exams and all. First off, on the night of the day I went to the community clinic (12th Jan), I had a nightmare about having gangrene on my right foot... and it got necrosized so bad that I had to get it amputated. I tell you, its emotionally traumatizing... not being able to do things which I previously could... like driving - in my dream I got into a pretty serious accident... cos I couldn't control my foot. And then I was stuck in the wreckage, and people we crowding around but no one came to help... instead they laughed at me. For some reason I just wanted to die there and then. I wouldn't really consider this as first hand experience... but it puts me in a position to empathize upon those who've had to get amputation because of gangrene from diabetes and hypertension. I woke up from terrible shock at 2am that night... touched my feet over and over again to make sure they were there, what a relief! Sheesh.... seen too many amputees and gangrenes in community clinic visits...

The CVS exams on Thursday went pretty okay...... until the course coordinator gave us the answers for the questions after we handed up our papers in the feedback session. Gah! It was horrible... I sure hope I can pass. I stayed up till 4:30am to work on my PBL presentation.

PBL on Friday went pretty well for me, I received pretty good comments from Hafiz and Wei Shen that I've improved as compared to the past. Also got some constructive critisism from Baxter that I was being pretty monotonous in my presentation. Oh well, I'll work on my presentation skills somemore. Today's probably the last PBL session with Dr. Lawrence... its pretty sad, the thought that our new fascilitator might be someone who doesn't care much for us achieving what we were supposed to from PBL's and would rather go home sooner. Eve suggested that we set down some ground rules to ensure that we don't stray away and deteriorate. Hopefully we'll get someone better ^_^

So after PBL, I went to Taylors to see Carl Lin but didn't get much time with her... I was 15minutes late, having to hand in my claims letter for driving to Nilai. It didn't help that I couldn't find a single parking spot around at SS15... how sad. Went to Yew Weng's house after that. It was supposed to be some sort of a LAN party, but Sunny and Chee Leong didn't turn up... along with their laptops >.< so... it was just Chris, Lock, Yew Weng and I... along with Chris' laptop and Yew Weng's scarily static computer....

As for today, I've just done washing mom's car... nothing much going on, feeling pretty tired... guess I'll finally be getting more rest


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