My Blog

Just a lil place to put my 2 cents about my life. Comments are most welcomed. Won't be updated much when I'm going through a busy time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

CSU practice

Went to uni early today as I had CSU practice session under a senior. Among our group were Melissa Gomis, Fui Pin, Sarah, some girl (dunno her name >.< ), and a senior guy. It was quite a productive session, considering the fact that my mock OSCE was next week and I was very little prepared...

Had breakfast with Melissa and Fui Pin, then went to medical museum to study. Lectures today were pretty okay, probably cos I had enough sweets to keep me awake. =p

After PBL, my group members decided to ask Dr.Lawrence for a CSU training session tomorrow so we arranged to have it at 10:30am tomorrow. When I went to book the CSU room, Sister Teoh, the head nurse in CSU gave me two ties.... asked me to pick whichever I wanted. Geee, she's really nice.... so now I have 3 ties ^_^


  • At 8:53 am, Blogger Jacob said…

    yes neckties....
    wahahaha, too bad... yeah well I guess its cos pham students dun use the CSU what


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