My Blog

Just a lil place to put my 2 cents about my life. Comments are most welcomed. Won't be updated much when I'm going through a busy time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The mystery of the naughty modem...

Heya everyone!

My modem's been down ever since last Thursday when I went out with Carl Lin. I supposed its cause of the slavery I'd subjected it to... However, it miraculously started to function again yesterday, sheesh! Musta been back from vacation at Timbuktu. =p

As of now, I'm at the uni comp lab typing this to kill the few minutes of time before I have remedial classes... remedial classes.... ahh well, I really need to be remedied! Studies haven't been going so well lately. Partly because I've lost the determination to... after having gotten that B for respi which does no good. Need to get my act together and throw everything I've got into the hematology exams this coming Friday.

Feeling lifeless from medicine... being a medical student ain't much fun at all =.="

That's it for now


  • At 1:10 pm, Blogger Guohao said…

    hmm...i would take a holiday too if i were subject to the amount of work your modem is going through...and it must be tired of looking at the same stuff ^^

    the evergreen lament of medical students: study and no time :P there's always time hehee...but just feeling tired all the time!


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