My Blog

Just a lil place to put my 2 cents about my life. Comments are most welcomed. Won't be updated much when I'm going through a busy time.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Finally, an update huh?

Haven't been feeling much like blogging in the past few weeks.... Semester 3 just started yesterday. I've gotta work way harder for the systems course to come. Just found out that Sunny didn't make it pass his repeat... its really saddening, he tried hard and he's not lousy either... spent so much of his life around IMU and it had to turn out this way... take care Sunny, life will have a better path for you to walk.

I'm feeling afraid... don't think I'll wanna repeat the semester if I screw up again this time. I have no confidence at all, feeling lost for hope... all I can do is to work harder and pray it'll redeem me.


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