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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My PBL group, Group G

Its been a year since having the first PBL with my PBL group members... I still remember feeling kinda uneasy about the newness of everybody. The only few people I knew from before were Wei Shen, Evelyn and Kok Chuan. Our first fascilitator was Dr.Jag... she was really nice and apparently is quite strict with the others. Next, we had Dr. Lawrence... he was the guy who redefined PBL for us, guided us, taught us our purpose and our roles in PBL. Initially we were pretty much afraid of him cos he was really serious and joked with a serious face, we eventually broke the ice and found him to be knowledgable and funny! We had 3 really nice fascilitators after that... Dr.Nagarajah, Dr. P.Kumar and Dr. John Paul Judson.

Throughout this one year, we've had CSU's together, gone for clinic visits together, basically for most of the activities in IMU. I've gotten to know each and every member of my group and it was really fun being with them, being around them. Our group dynamics is superb.

Its pretty saddening that yesterday was the last PBL session and we'd probably be going on our own ways in other groups in the future..... We took some photos with Wei Shen and Jin-Yu's cameras so I guess I'd have some pictures to post later on.

To my group members :

Wan Noraida
Wei Lun
Wei Shen
Kok Chuan

Thanks for all these enjoyable and fun times!! Hope our paths will cross again sometime soon.


  • At 2:04 am, Blogger jyc said…

    heyhey...Definitely will miss you guys too! :) Those were good days!


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